How do I create weekday and weekend pricing?

The rate system in WebReserv allows you to setup different prices and rules for weekday and weekend rentals.  For the lodging industry, this is a common pricing setup to charge a higher rate on weekends than on weekday.  This article will show you how to set it up in your account.

First, you'll want to define what your weekends are - to some it could be Friday/Saturday/Sunday, and to others it could be Friday/Saturday.  The good news is that WebReserv allows you to choose based on your business preferences.

To define your weekends, go to Setup - Business Information - Advanced Options.

In the General section, you can select what you define as weekends here.




Next, to add the pricing, navigate to Setup - Rates. Click on Rate Categories from the left column.  If you do not currently show categories for Weekday and Weekday, then you can click Add Category to create one like the one below.



After you've created the categories, you can now add the pricing in the Rate List.  Go to Setup - Rates, and select your current Rate List (or click Edit). On the rate table, you can enter the pricing in the corresponding columns. Once you've entered all the rates, save your changes.



You have now successfully created weekday and weekend pricing!  See how it looks on the booking page below.



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